Yes, on a cursed day I lost you
A sudden disappearance from my life
like you never existed...
I was waiting for you, garnishing my little home to welcome you 
Increasing my dopamine level, thinking of you and the bundle of joy you bring home every time you come
But when memories started to confuse with your loud laughs,
untold stories and jokes
When a warm hug, kiss, care, and love you used to give has started to get dried from my mind and body
When happiness and togetherness left the place
I realized you abandoned us without a formal adieu 
How can I blame you if that wasn't your decision & you plead for a comeback?
I can still smell you in your room, hear your contemplating voice behind a phone call
See the stain of your lipstick that never faded 
Your 'scoldings' and complaints that cover up an ocean of love inside you
Yes, I have started to miss every minute touch of yours...
I fail to imagine a world without you



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